competitor class.

train to level up.

are you ready for the next step?

  • What is it?

    This Competition Class is for Rx and Scaled athletes who want to work on their gymnastics & weightlifting, add volume to their current training load, and want to represent their local gym at competitions.

    Class will be held on Tuesdays at CrossFit South Park from 5:30pm - 7:30pm. All Athletes will be given 2-3 days of accessory work to be completed on their own time (posted in beyond the whiteboard)

    We only recommend joining if you're serious about putting in the hard work, and want to compete at the local level.

  • Rx Requirements

    Must be met to join at the Rx level:

    Barbell expected working weights

    Snatch - 135/95

    Clean - 185/125

    Gymnastics & Skills (Multiple reps)

    Chest to bar

    Ring & Bar Muscle Ups

    Strict Handstand Push Ups

    Handstand Walk


    Double Unders

  • Scaled Requirements

    Must be met to join at the Scaled level:

    Snatch - 95/65

    Clean - 135/95

    Gymnastics & Skills (Multiple reps)

    Jumping Pull Ups

    Hand Release Push Ups

    Wall Walks

    Single Unders

Coach liran

liran Krell

crossfit level 3 trainer

usaw level 2

Nutrition Coach

Coach Liran is a former competitive athlete and special forces operative who discovered CrossFit and made it into his life’s passion. He has extensive competition experience, and has notched some legit CrossFit milestones, including finishing 6th in the 2023 Open in Men 35-39 in Israel, as well as placing in the TOP 4% of male 35-39 athletes WORLDWIDE.

What our members are saying about Coach Liran:

I found it to be the best coaching I’ve ever received. Coach Liran is a gem.”
—Konsta (Rx Competitor)

“He holds athletes accountable, recognizes their potential, and adapts workouts to accommodate injuries or setbacks. I’m not sure how he does it, but he manages to keep an eye on every athlete, offering constructive feedback on how to improve and paying close attention to form. He always makes it a point to check in with each person during class. His warm-ups are incredibly thorough, breaking down every movement and providing cues that really stick. Having a coach like Liran in our community inspires me to be better and has genuinely reignited my excitement for CrossFit. I find myself looking forward to classes and feel a renewed enthusiasm for learning something new. His coaching has been a breath of fresh air for both myself and others.”
—Lucy (Hopper Life Athlete)