wod lite
crossfit without the barbells
All the fun, sweat, and camaraderie of CrossFit, without complex barbell movements.
What’s this all about?
Workouts with CrossFit-level intensity, minus the heavy barbells.
No prior CrossFit or weightlifting experience required!
Great for current athletes looking to de-load or mix up their programming.
Equipment may include machines, dumbbells, kettlebells, jump ropes, medicine balls, as well as bodyweight exercises.
Coaching by our CrossFit-certified coaches. Focus on safety and quality of movement while maintaining the desired workout stimulus.
sample workout #1
EMOM X 24 (Every Minute, On the Minute)
MIN 1: 12 Dumbell Thruster
MIN 2: 10 Pull-ups
MIN 3: Max Rep Double Unders
MIN 4: Rest
30 Dumbbell Sit-ups
8 Kettlebell / Dumbbell Goblet Squat (as heavy as possible)
sample workout #2
For Time
250 Single Unders
100 Box Jumps 24″/20″
100 Wall Balls 20/14
80 Burpees
80 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
60 Sit Ups
60 Pull-ups
40 Overhead Plate Alternating Lunges 45/25
40 Plate Ground-to-Overhead 45/25
sample workout #3
5 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
5 Burpee
10 Dumbbell Clean
3 min Rest
6 min AMRAP
10 Box Jump
10 Dumbbell Thruster
3 min Rest
7 min AMRAP
5 Burpee box jumps
10 Dumbbell Cluster