December 2024 - holiday athletes’ cup
We’re proud to have hosted another memorable Holiday Athletes’ Cup members-only competition for our Hopper Life athletes. 45 athletes participated across 3 levels, and completed three challenging workouts designed by Coach Liran Krell. A huge thank you to our festive judges and volunteers, and congratulations to the all of the winners and participants!
The workouts:
2 min to complete:
15 Calorie Bike (12 cal Level 1 Women)
Max Snatches in remaining time, pick load.
2 min to complete:
15 Calorie Row (12 cal Level 1 Women)
Max gymnastics reps in remaining time, pick movement.
1 min rest
2 min to complete:
9 Calorie Bike (6 cal Level 1 Women)
Max Snatches in remaining time, pick load.
2 min to complete:
9 Calorie Row (6 cal Level 1 Women)
Max gymnastics reps in remaining time, pick movement.
1 min rest
2 min to complete:
3 Calorie Bike (all levels)
Max Snatches in remaining time, pick load.
2 min to complete:
3 Calorie Row (all levels)
Max gymnastics reps in remaining time, pick movement.
How it works:
Score = total Snatch points + total gymnastics points
Athlete can pick load for snatch, and increase as desired. No decreasing.
Snatch points are calculated as follows:
For example, if the athlete does 10 reps at 75 lbs…
75 x 75 x 10/ 500 = 112 points (decimals will not be counted).
This formula will be used for every rep successfully completed at each weight they choose.
Any style snatch is allowed.
Level 2 and Level 3 can do ANY of the 4 movements to accumulate points. And they can be done in any sequence or order:
Toes-to-bar = 3 points
Pull-up = 3 points
Chest-to-bar pull-ups = 7 points
Bar Muscle-up = 20 points
Level 1 movement options:
Knee raises = 3 points
Jumping pull-up = 3 points
Jumping Chest-to-bar pull-up = 7 pull-ups
Unassisted pull-up = 20 points
Other rules:
-Only the athletes can load the barbell
-Barbell can be loaded before the start of the WOD and during the rest.
-Can increase weight mid-interval.
-Weights must be announced to the judge before doing reps
-Collars must be secured on the bar
-Judges will keep a tally of snatch reps and gymnastics reps and points will be calculated after turning scoresheets in.
For time (7 min cap)
Level 1:
50-40-30-20-10 Single Unders
25-20-15-10-5 Double DB Front Squats (20/10#)
Level 2:
25-20-15-10-5 Double Unders
25-20-15-10-5 Double DB Front Squats (35/20#)
Level 3:
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
25-20-15-10-5 Double DB Front Squats (50/35#)
Score = Time or reps completed at 7 min cap
7 min to find max load:
3 Deadlifts + 2 Hang Cleans + 1 Shoulder-to-Overhead.
– Score = heaviest successful attempt
-The complex must be done unbroken.
-The rep is complete when the bar is over the athlete’s center of mass with extended elbows, hips, and knees, and feet reset under the athlete’s body.
-No re-gripping on the floor during the deadlifts (touch-and-go only)
-Hang power clean or hang squat clean are OK, bar goes no lower than above the knee.
-Weight must be announced to judge before picking the weight up.
-Collars must be secured on the bar before picking the weight up.
-Only the athlete can load the barbell.
-Barbell can be loaded before the start of the WOD.
-Can start before 7 min if they finished WOD 2 before the time cap.
-If the barbell is lifted off of the floor at the time cap, they can still finish the rep even though time has run out.
-There is no limit on attempts.
-Can increase or decrease weight as desired.
-Lowest change plates allowed is 2.5# (no 1.25# plates).