crossfit: coaching standards

Concerns have been raised about the variability in coaching quality in the broader CrossFit community. There’s a sense that some trainers possess limited qualifications or experience, potentially increasing the risk of injury or ineffective training.

We have top-tier coaching talent.

This is because we take care of our coaches with the most competitive compensation, benefits packages, and investment in their continued professional development. Our most seasoned coaches have been with us for years. When you step into our CrossFit box, you can be sure you’re getting the best coaching.

Here’s how we do it:

  • Invest in Education and Certification: We encourage coaches to pursue higher-level certifications, specialization in specific areas of interest, and continuing education opportunities. We do this by providing financial support and incentives. We have four coaches with CrossFit Level 3 Certifications, which come with a bevy of pre-requisites, including a minimum of 750 coaching hours. Additional education obtained by our coaches includes:

  • Olympic Weightlifting

  • Gymnastics

  • Endurance

  • Mobility

  • Nutrition

  • Kettlebell

  • CPR

  • Establish Coaching Standards and Guidelines: We develop and implement clear coaching standards, guidelines, and best practices that outline the expectations for professionalism, competence, and ethical conduct. We communicate these standards to all coaches and hold them accountable for upholding them.

  • Provide Mentorship and Supervision: We pair less experienced coaches with experienced mentors who can provide guidance, support, and feedback on coaching techniques, programming, and client interaction. Potential coaches complete long internships where they shadow veteran coaches during classes. We have a strong culture of mentorship and collaboration within the coaching team to foster continuous learning and growth.

  • Regular Performance Reviews: We conduct regular performance reviews and evaluations of coaching staff to assess their knowledge, skills, and effectiveness in delivering safe and impactful training sessions. We provide constructive feedback and opportunities for professional development based on performance evaluations.

  • Promote Accountability and Professionalism: We hold coaches accountable. We emphasize the importance of professionalism, integrity, and ethical conduct in all interactions with clients, colleagues, and the broader community. Our weekly coaches’ calls reinforce these standards.


crossfit: risk of injury?


crossfit: too competitive?